Ryan flew to Seattle last week to visit Jonah. They had some good, quality "father-son" time. They went to museums, ate at fun places and the highlight of the trip was a flight on this seaplane. They flew over Seattle and took some of these very cool pictures.

Great view! Can you see the Spaceneedle throught the window?
Coming in for a water landing!

The first thing I did when I got home from Ohio was check for pictures. Thanks so much....!! And that beautiful little girl and caring so much for Elmo. She is such a busy little girl. I think of the days I got to hold her and rock and feed and talk and walk. I relive them over and over until I get there again. Miss you much and so thankful to see the family pictures and so thankful to see Jonah and Ryan doing things together to. Blessings to all
PS Watch that sun.
It's so neat to see how much time they have been spending together. I'm really happy for both Jonah and for daddy Ryan. That's just way too cool and such a great father of Ryan :)
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