Ok, I know it has been forever. Sorry everyone! Well, as you can see, Addison has really grown up. She is so excited about Christmas this year. She finally understands what is going on....for the most part. What does Addison want Santa to bring her? She wants a PINK PIANO! Addison loves music. She loves to make up her own songs and sing while playing different instruments (tamborines, marachas or her little keyboard). She has played on the piano at Aunt Julie's and at both of her Grandma's houses and now she has decided she wants her own. And, of course, it has to be pink. That's her favorite color. So, we told her that she needs to let Santa know. Well, she was so excited to see Santa and tell him. She had been practicing saying, "Please bring a pink piano to my house". While we were standing in line to see Santa she was waving at him, smiling and laughing. She was so excited. After standing in line for 25 minutes she was finally the next one in line. She was still excited. With each slow step towards him to sit on his lap her smile turned upside down and she went into shock!! She sat on his lap like a good girl but didn't smile, look at him or say one word. She just looked at the camera like, "Ok, here I am. I did it. Take the picture so I can get off this man's lap". When we left the mall she was so upset she didn't tell him. So, the next weekend we went back so she could tell him. She finally did it but only if mama and daddy were right next to her while she sat on his lap. Too cute!! She has been
very good so we think Santa may actually fulfill her request. :)
Jennifer, I am so glad you are blogging again. It is my only way to keep up with you and your family. I miss you and I am sorry I didn't get to see you the last time you were in Decatur. Keep up the great blogging and Happy Holidays to you and your beautiful family.
Okay that is NOT Addison! WOW! She is so grown up. Beautiful!!
Look how grown up!!!! WOW! I hope you guys are doing well.
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