Sunday, March 2, 2008

Silly Monkey

Pretty Addison!

(Lots of posts so be sure to keep hitting "Older Posts" at the end of each page. I don't want you to miss out on any cute pictures)

She loves catalogs and magazines. In this picture she saw some shoes in a catalog and got really excited. Like mothere like daughter.

Silly Daddy.....I mean monkey!

Silly Monkey


Anonymous said...

Hello, Sweet Little Addison!

You sure do look pretty in these pictures (and very silly, too). I'm so glad your mommy put new pictures on the blog for us!

I was at the cemetery yesterday, sitting in my pink chair, listening to my Ipod, just "hanging out" with Emma. I was thinking about how much she would love to see you growing up, and then I thought - she CAN see you. I know you love your cousin Emma, and you miss her, too!

You have a good week, okay?

Love you-

Aunt Julie

Jaana said...

Hey Jen,

Those pictures are a hoot! I can't believe how big Addison is getting and how much hair she has! She must be so fun. I love your comments on the pics too. She'll definitely be one girly-girl, like you! :)

Hope to see you soon!
Jaana :)

Unknown said...

So what magazine? We need to make sure Addison is picking the *right* shoes out of the *right* catalog :)

Precious as always. Send a shout out to Ryan for me :)

Alexis Jacobs said...

She is beautiful! What a little lady she has become.