Sunday, July 8, 2007

My friends from Illinois

While in Illinois, I had a chance to visit with some of my dear friends. Here is my friend, Val. We shopped a little and had some yummy coffee drinks. I miss you, Val!!! I hope you can come down for a visit sometime.
Val looking as cute as can be.
My friend, Michelle.
Michelle is due in November. It's a boy!! Congratulations!


Alexis Jacobs said...

I know Val was excited to see you. So glad you guys had a great visit.

Unknown said...

I miss you!! I forgot that Michelle is preggie! Coffee and shopping was so fun!

Anonymous said...

Awww... I'm so glad you got to see your friends. I know you've missed them terribly. I wanna have yummy coffee drinks w/ you too, Jen :(

BTW--- all of you look VERY cute in these pics--- and happy :)